Jul 5Liked by Oleg Kagan

My time at Santa Monica College changed my life too, probably in the way that doing anything does for 2.5 years but also in the way that I was able to pursue my interests and explore the world on some grant money that paid my education and then some. Looking back, it felt like a cheat code and I'm grateful now for all the institutions that said "no" right out of high school. It wasn't about being chosen (working theory: it's still not)

Oh, and the diversity of the student body was unparalleled. It was the most international, intergenerational, inter-aspirational environment I've ever studied, more colorful and all-encompassing than any university that picks and chooses its students. SMC nurtured long-lasting values in me that keep my dreamboat buoyant, my self-belief resilient, my ears open.

ANYWHOOOO, thanks for stirring up these retrospections. I needed a whopping spoonful of gratidão this morning, and I got it.

Miss you Oleg,


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The fact that community college students were mostly NOT our peers in so many ways was crucial.

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not to mention that... gasp! shock!... not everyone is suited for college, even after three years.

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That's a main point of Karin Klein's book. As well as that not all careers need it.

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Jul 5Liked by Oleg Kagan

Go Monarchs!

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Jul 5Liked by Oleg Kagan

Preach, brother! Not everyone is ready for a 4 year school right out of the gate, or wants to go to one. Community colleges are a gem of our higher education system. Warmly, wife of a community college professor (El Camino College. Go Warriors!)

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Community college: Where professors teach students not lecture halls.

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Jul 7Liked by Oleg Kagan

Amen to all - & your post also highlights how, the more we're involved with something, the more we get out of it. Only recent news to me, some city colleges are hard to get into & super highly rated, & with dorm life etc akin to university! For instance, a cousin recently went to Sta. Barbara City College, all the way from Spain!

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We did have international students at Valley, but it pretty rare, and there were no fancy dorms or anything.

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